Photos courtesy of Dave Marian

Jacques Littlefield who was the friend to all in the military vehicle collector and armor modeller communites died Wednesday, 7 January 2009 after a long fight with cancer. He was 59 years old. Jacques was dedicated to the collection of and preservation of military vehicles. Through the tireless work of him and his staff, many pieces have military history have been saved. Jacques was always happy to answer questions about his collection. He was always full of enthusiasm and knowledge about his vehicles and pretty much all things mechanical.

On a personal level, Jacques allowed me to photograph nearly his entire collection during the past 5 or so years. He was always very friendly to me during my visits and quite helpful. Jacques was just really a great guy!! When I'd bring my 8 year daughter along, he'd talk to her more than me!! We were both very saddened by his death.

I'm very honored to have had the opportunity to talk to him on many occasions. And I am more than thrilled that he was able to read the book on his A34 Comet that I shot all of the photographs for. The last conversation I had with him in early December 2008 was about the book and how much he liked it. That is something that I won't forget!

I owe Jacques a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid!! Without him allowing me to take all of the pictures I have of his collection, my website, photo CD's and upcoming books would not exist!! Thank you Jacques for everything!! You will be missed by me and so many others. R.I.P.


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